ISRAED is proud to offer Israel related sessions that connect students with the מעגל השנה, both from the perspective of חגים וימי זכרון and from the perspective of contemporary Israeli history
חודש אלול
סיור סליחות
סיור סליחות-A Virtual Tour of Shuls in Israel: Past and Present
It has become traditional in Israel for groups to visit various shuls in advance of the ימים נוראים. We will "visit" remnants of shuls that were used thousands of years ago here in Israel, as well as shuls across the country in use today and learn how the shul was, and still is an integral part of our community
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades 5-8
Nachshon Wachsman
Nachshon Wachsman was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists in October 1994. For a week Jews and good people around the world prayed fervently for his release. Israeli intelligence discovered the location where Nachshon was being held but a special forces raid failed to free him and Nachshon and Captain Nir Poraz, a special unit soldier, were killed on י'מרחשון.
The Wachsman family exemplify the eternal strength of our people with unwavering faith in Hashem and devotion to ארץ ישראל.
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades 8-Adult
Assassination of Yitzchak Rabin
Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated on
יב מרחשון תשנ"ו/ November 4th 1995.
In this Live Distance Learning session your students will learn about the events leading up to the tragedy, and the horrible results when political differences lead to violence
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades 8-Adult
"The Night of the Broken Glass", was arguably the start of the Holocaust. The first organized Nazi raid on Jewish synagogues, homes, and businesses left many dead, property destroyed and a Jewish population dumbfounded.
In this live interactive session we will trace the events which led up to Kristallnacht and learn about the reaction or lack of reaction of the world at large.
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate Grades 7-Adult
Perhaps the event that best defines who Rav Kook was and what he meant to the budding Yishuv is the מסע המושבות ,the trip that he organized 1913 to give strength and inspiration to the settlements in the Gallil. Joined by Rav Yosef Sonnenfeld, they touched the lives of the pioneer farmers, and in turn the pioneer farmers touched the lives of the Rabbanim.
They embarked on their expedition on יט מרחשון תרע"ד
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for grades 8-Adult
In the month of November, 3 major events in the history of Israel occurred:
Balfour Declaration -November 2, 1917
UN Resolution on Partition-November 29, 1947
Sadat Visit to Israel- November 19, 1977
In this session we will review these historical moments and the ever lasting impact each has had on our history
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades 8-Adult
- Candle Lighting at the Kotel
- A Virtual Visit to Modiin: Then and Now
- A Virtual Visit to an Olive Press: Then and Now
- Sufganiyot: Israeli Style (sorry ; only virtual tasting!)
- Candle Lighting Israeli Style-Not at the Window, but
Outside the House
And much more.....
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades K-5
אם אשכחך ירושלים
We are a stubborn people and we are blessed with long memories. Hence, the dream of ירושלים has stayed fresh in our national conscience despite the fact that the חורבן took place 1953 years ago. In this session we will explore the centrality of ירושלים to the Jewish experience and how עשרה בטבת is one of many ways that הלכה has ensured that ירושלים remains in our memories.
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grade 7-Adult
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades 2-6
Part of the reality of living in ארץ ישראל is that we have the opportunity to once again observe many agricultural מצוות which are only applicable in ארץ ישראל. In this session we will learn how these מצוות are observed , and the pivotal role played by ט”ו בשבט in determining the “agricultural year” and by extension which מעשרות are applicable to any given crop.
$165 for a 45 minute session
Appropriate for Grades 7-Adult
We are all familiar with the הלכה that ערים מוקפין חומה מימות יהושע בין נון celebrate פורים on the 15th of Adar. ירושליםof course fits into this category, but are there other places as well? How about communities in the outskirts of ירושלים-do they observe the 14th or the 15th? Can someone celebrate both????
Appropriate for Grades 9-Adult
Cost: $165
An often ignored aspect of the Holocaust is the story of those who decided “To do the right thing, because it is the right thing to do” and often at great risk gave safe haven to their Jewish friends and neighbors. Each story is unique, each story is heroic. In this session we will profile some of these special human beings.
Appropriate for Grades 7-12
Cost: $165
After World War II, the global community was charged with the task of bringing the murderers to justice. Was this goal ever achieved? In this session, the students will learn the attempts made by various parties through the years to locate Nazis and bring them to justice, and how those attempts are still being made today. Students will learn about the Nuremberg trials, the capture of Eichmann, the mystery of Mengele. We will explore if there is still justice to be done after all these years.
Appropriate for Grades 8-12
Cost: $165
Over the last 77 years our people have experienced the amazing events of שיבת ציון. Israel has grown from a fledgling state to a major military and economic power. Israel has served as the major catalyst for the growth of Torah study and observance. We will relive some of the special moments of the last 77 years. (Grades 8-Adult)
The Streets Tell Our Story
The street names in Yerushalayim retell the story of our people from Biblical times until the present. We will take a walk around the neighborhood and learn about the people and events (Grades 6-Adult)
בעקבות אבותינו-In the Footsteps of אבות ואמהות
We will visit the old/new cities which were the places where the founders of the Jewish people lived thousands of years ago and where their children live today (Grades 2-4)
קום התהלך בארץ
Pack your knapsack-we are going on a טיול. We will "visit" some famous and not so famous sites in Israel in celebration of יום העצמאות
(Grades 1-2)